Nachdem die Beantragung von 3 Versicherungen über das online-Portal des HDI kläglich gescheitert ist, wurde mir sehr schnell, kurzfristig, höflich und verbindlich Vorort in der Niederlassung *** geholfen.
Nachdem die Beantragung von 3 Versicherungen über das online-Portal des HDI kläglich gescheitert ist, wurde mir sehr schnell, kurzfristig, höflich und verbindlich Vorort in der Niederlassung *** geholfen.
*** has been very supportive. Even though there were difficulties in the proceedings with HDI, which I believe were not related to ***, he has been very accommodating in helping to solve them. In Addition it was very appreciated that *** speaks fluent English, which makes lives for expats in Germany considerably more convenient.
*** has been very supportive. Even though there were difficulties in the proceedings with HDI, which I believe were not related to ***, he has been very accommodating in helping to solve them. In Addition it was very appreciated that *** speaks fluent English, which makes lives for expats in Germany considerably more convenient.